Dragon Con ATL 2022

Dragon Con ATL 2022

Posted by Richard Joseph

GUESS WHO IS GOING TO BE AT DRAGON CON 2022!! I will be there promoting our shop to fellow anime lovers, VR enthusiasts and more. I am looking to make connections with other anime shop owners, to  eventually collaborate at some point. For those who have never been, this will be my first time  visiting ATL  and my first time at  Dragon Con. You can probably sense my excitement through my keyboard, LOL. I am  very much excited to be there  and experience this event, as it is the LARGEST multi-genre and Pop-culture related  convention ever. I personally am not 100% sure of what to expect, but I am excited. I have attended Otakon, (multiple years) Katsucon (once) Comicon (Multiple years) and am excited to be a part of the DragonCon experience! If interested in the dragon con experience,  I will be posting photos  and videos up on our website, and Instagram. Stay tuned  on our next moves!

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